I. Rebecca McGee called the meeting to order
II. Introduction of attendees
Members in Attendance:
Rebecca McGee, General Mills (Chair)
Kevin McPhee, USDA-ARS (Secretary)
Clare Coyne, USDA-ARS (ex-officio)
Bert Vandenberg, University of Saskatchewan
Bob Arthur, Crites Moscow Growers
Bob Conner, AAFC
Bob Henson, North Dakota State University
D. McLaren, AAFC
D.J. Bing, AAFC
Fred Muehlbauer, USDA-ARS
Jim Myers, Oregon State University
Lyndon Porter, USDA-ARS
Norm Weeden, Montana State University
Roxanne Mainz, Syngenta Seeds
Tom Warkentin, University of Saskatchewan
Weidong Chen, USDA-ARS
Interested Persons in Attendance:
David Webster, Seminis Seed
Ed Kee, University of Deleware
Eric Bartsch, North Dakota Dry Pea and Lentil Association
Ferdinand Kiehn, AAFC
John Wamatu, Brotherton Seeds
Mike Wood, ProGene Plant Research
Parthiba Balacubramanan, AAFC
Ted Lund, Brotherton Seed Company
Todd Scholz, USA Dry Pea and Lentil Association
III. Approve minutes of the meeting held in Sacramento, CA in 2003
Tom Warkentin moved that the minutes be accepted as revised. Jim Myers seconded the motion. The motion passed.
IV. Status of Collections
Clare Coyne summarized the status of the collection and handed out a written summary (see attached). Highlights included submission of root morphology data generated by Kevin McPhee. Clare shared that she had been in contact with Noel Ellis and Mike Ambrose at the John Innes Center regarding difficulties surrounding the exchange and distribution of seed from JIC. She indicated there was a separate form (MTA) that should have been used which would allow open distribution of exchanged material.
It was discussed to have the genetics stock seed presently in the collection be replaced with the specific seed used to characterize each line from Norm Weeden.
Clare indicated that a project to characterize the Pisum collection with molecular markers such as RAPDs and SSR markers was underway.
Tom Warkentin reported on the status of the Canadian Germplasm Collection. Alex ? has between 600 and 700 pea accessions and that a web site is available. A student from the Vavilov institute is working at Saskatoon and plans to grow appoximately 100 eastern European germplasm lines and characterize them for phenotype and molecular markers.
Kevin McPhee added that the collection at the Vavilov Institute is in dire straits and in need of assistance to keep the collection active. Norm Weeden also mentioned that when he visited Novosibirsk during the summer of 2005 that a similar situation existed with the collection maintained there.
V. Review of Current Evaluation Proposals
Norm Weeden and Kevin McPhee reported on the status of their respective proposals and evaluations. Norm indicated experiments for gene discovery in P. sativum ssp. abyssinicum germplasm had been completed and that a manuscript was in preparation. Kevin reported the results of cold tolerance evaluations on a selected set of germplasm lines from the overall collection. Both growth chamber and field studies had been conducted. Significant variation was observed in the growth chamber experiment for survival/tolerance to freezing temperatures. Field experiments were not as severe as desired due to relatively mild conditions, but that scores for cold damage were taken rather than winter survival per se. Additional field evaluations would be conducted in 2005 and future years.
VI. Review of Priorities
The priorties for germplasm evaluation remained the same as previously listed:
A discussion followed surrounding evaluation of the collection for powdery mildew and Weidong Chen indicated that he would submit a proposal to accomplish the evaluation.
VII. Germplasm Explorations
Brief reports of recent collections were provided by Fred Muehlbauer (Georgia, 2004) and Clare Coyne. Clare mentioned that a cooperator collected several accessions in northern Tajikistan.
Future collections may be include Greece in 2006.
VIII. Germplasm Evaluation Proposals
Rebecca McGee reviewed the procedures for proposal submission and review. New proposals would be due on November 14, 2005.
IX. Old Business
Committee report
Rebecca McGee reminded the committee that the CGC report needed to be completed and that two or three of the sections had been turned in. Fred Muehlbauer indicated that he would be responsible for making sure it would be done.
X. New Business
Membership lists were reviewed and those who desired to be official members of the committee were designated as such.
It was moved by Norm Weeden and seconded by Lyndon Porter that the current officers be retained in their current positions, i.e. Rebecca McGee as Chairman and Kevin McPhee as Secretary. The motion passed.
It was discussed that the next meeting would be held in conjunction with NAPIA in 2007 at a location to be determined. A two year cycle for the meetings was discussed and a consensus was reached that a two year cycle would be acceptable.
Maintenance of genetic stocks and key pea recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations in the germplasm collection was discussed. It was determined that key pea RIL populations would be maintained as part of the germplasm collection, but with W6 identifiers rather than PI identifiers. Norm offered to provide seed of the P.s. ssp. abyssinicum population along with the concensus population.
XI. Adjournment
Norm Weeden moved for adjournment of the meeting. Bob Arthur seconded the motion. Motion passed.
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