November 6, 2005
Salt Lake City Convention Center
Salt Lake City, UT
Meeting was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ken Quesenberry at 1:30 pm.
1. Introductions. All individuals present introduced themselves. A list of those present is at the end of these minutes as Attachment 1.
2. Agenda. A tentative agenda was circulated (Attachment 2) and approved after modification. The report on efforts with alfalfa CGC to obtain germplasm evaluation funding needed to be done by B. Ocumpaugh/Ray Smith and not by Mos jidis/Greene.
3. Minutes. Minutes from the previous meeting October 31, 2004, Seattle Convention Center, Seattle, WA, had been distributed by email previously and were approved with minor editorial changes.
4. Chairman’s report. Chair K. Quesenberry reported on the meeting of the CGC chairs. The committee discussed inviting Dr. H. Riday, USDA-ARS to be member of this committee and the need to replace Mr. Jerry P eterson (Peterson Seeds) with another industry representative. N. Taylor moved to invite Dr. H. Riday and to replace Mr. Peterson. M. Peel seconded and motion carried.
5. Brief report from NPGS staff
P. Bretting had a concurrent meeting and had to leave so requested to present his report. He gave a brief presentation of the current situation of NPGS. Allen Stoner retired and his position will not be filled because of lack of funds. Chair Quesen berry expressed his concern because A. Stoner’s position is critical considering that is the main contact for the CGCs. P. Bretting indicated that Jim Mowder is acting in A. Stoner’s position. It was decided that the Chair and Secretary will d raft a letter requesting the USDA higher ups to fill this position. P. Bretting indicated that the budget has had increases in previous years but there is a potential loss of funding because of the war in Iraq and the hurricane damages. A mandatory review of the National Program recommended improvements in GRIN so that it will be more user-friendly. Also it was recommended strategic thinking in acquisition of germplasm. Soybean rust does not seem to be that much of a problem but a new wheat stripped rust is emerging in Africa. Germplasm evaluations are being conducted in Africa to find resistance. K. Quesenberry asked if it was possible to post our minutes on the web and P. Bretting thought that it could be done.
6. Old Business
a. Germplasm Status Report
This report was discussed. Some additions were suggested by J. Mosjidis, S. Green and N. Taylor who will individually contact R. Smith and give him the respective suggestions. S. Green will add a paragraph on the Desert Legume Project. Chair Quesenberry e
xpressed his concerns regarding the collection of tropical species in Ona, FL, which has a high chance of being lost. It was decided that K. Quesenberry will contact the Ona Center Director to send the collection to Griffin.
b. and c. AOSCA membership and certification forms
R. Smith has been our CGC representative in the AOSCA variety report board. K. Quesenberry asked if anybody else wanted to represent our CGC but the consensus was that R. Smith could continue.
7. New Business
a. Next meeting. Chair Quesenberry asked if there was an interest in meeting at the time of the next joint Alfalfa/Trifolium conference in Minnesota. The general opinion was that next meeting will be at the next ASA meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
b. Western Rhizobium collection trip 2006 - Ken Quesenberry indicated that is planning a Western Rhizobium collection trip. N. Taylor has been getting new accessions from South Africa by mail.
c. Other planned germplasm collections. S. Greene and G. Peterson will be organizing a trip to collect Trifolium spp. in Italy and Greece. J. Mosjidis will provide additional local contacts and participate in the trip.
8. Brief reports from NPGS/GRIN staff
M. Bohning reported on making GRIN more user-friendly, adding a shopping cart and links to other data bases. The plan is to have in place a system that when a scientist makes a query, information from other data bases will come up too.
9. Curator reports
Curators presented their respective reports. C. Coyne asked for additional traits to evaluate in Vicia spp. J. Mosjidis suggested evaluation for the neurotoxin γ-glutamil-β-cyanoalanin present in common vetch seeds.
10. Dr. Ken Quesenberry completed his third year as chair of this committee and secretary J. Mosjidis will assume the chair position. Chair Quesenberry appointed N. Taylor and Dick Smith to the committee that will recommend the next secretary. Votes will be cast by email.
11. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM.
Name |
Organization |
Norman Taylor |
University of Kentucky | |
David Brenner |
Iowa State | |
Stephanie Greene |
USDA, ARS, Prosser | |
Lauren Johnson |
Cal/West Seeds | |
Ann Blount |
University of Florida | |
Brad Morris |
USDA, ARS, Griffin, GA | |
Mark Bohning |
USDA/ARS Beltsville, MD |
Gary Pederson |
USDA, ARS, Griffin, GA | |
Michael D. Peel |
USDA, ARS, Logan, UT | |
Peter Bretting |
USDA, ARS, Beltsville HQ | |
Clarice Coyne |
USDA, ARS, Pullman |
Jorge Mosjidis |
Auburn University | |
Ken Quesenberry |
UF, Gainesville | |