Minutes of the Apple Crop Germplasm Committee
Conference Room, PGRU, NYSAES- Geneva, NY
October 12-13, 2007
Thursday October 12, 2007, 1:00 pm
CGC members:
Terence Robinson, Jim Luby (phone), Herb Aldwinckle, Angela Baldo, Phil Baugher, Susan Brown, Charlie Embree, Gennaro Fazio, Joseph Goffreda, Jim McFerson, Ian Merwin, Diane Miller, Harvey Reissig
Other Participants:
Paul Baker, Yanking Zhu (phone), Carole Bassett, Mark Bohning, Lailiang Cheng, Philip Forsline, Martha Hamblin, Margarita Licha, Clayton Myers, Heidi Schwaninger, Charles Simon, Bill Srmack, Lingxia Sun, Gayle Volk, Ewa Borejsza-Wysocka, Amy Szewc-McFadden, Dawn Dellefave
Welcome and Workshop Agenda- Introduced and welcoming from Herb Aldwinckle.
Introductions from all attendees present.
Industry CGC Members
ARS National Program Staff- Mark Bohning for Peter Bretting.
GRIN Report- Mark Bohning
Review of CGC Committee membership- deferred till Friday morning so everyone could go over the current list, make suggestions for new nominees, etc. The revised Committee will be attached with these Minutes
G. Fazio asked if any committee members would like to review this year’s CGC’s grant proposals. Deadlines for proposals were the end of September. Lingxia Sun asked if students could review the papers. Only committee members can do so. Proposals were distributed for evaluation.
Reports on Programs:
PGRU- Phil Forsline, Gennaro Fazio, Angela Baldo, Chuck Simon
Forsline- Went over the 6 spreadsheets prepared by Mark Bohning. Increased the size of the Malus collection by the addition of the seedling populations. Increased the number of accessions backed up at Fort Collins. Some discussion on species changes and country of origin. Some new observation data needs to be taken on apple, especially titratable acidity. Core collection has 61 new accessions. Germplasm distributions have increased. Some committee members would like to see a breakdown on who is receiving this material. Bohning commented that distribution of material is an issue for all germplasm sites. These figures do not include distributions made to Aldwinckle or Fazio’s programs. There is also the difficulty and time in trying to process requests from foreign countries. Fazio’s presentation of Forsline's paper at the recent Eucarpia meeting in Spain generated interest by other countries in more collaboration and data exchange. We need to load the disease resistance data into GRIN. Aldwinckle and Forsline invited attendees to view poster and apple diversity display during the break.
Fazio- discussed his projects including:
Simon- discussed his projects including:
University of Minnesota- Jim Luby (by phone)
Kearneysville- Clayton Myers, Carole Bassett, Wojciech Janisiewicz
Myers- discussed his project:
Bassett- discussed her project:
Janisiewicz- not present. Blue mold resistance project was discussed. Greater diversity among the Kazakhstan apple collection than among cultivated apple as evidenced by their broad range of fruit maturity, quality and disease resistance patterns. Fazio did starch analysis.
Fort Collins- Gayle Volk
Volk discussed her projects:
Plant Germplasm & Quarantine Program- Margarita Licha
Licha- presented power point presentation showing overview of their program. October 2005, APHIS assumed responsibility for the plant quarantine program. Staff changes. Licha is responsible for all fruit quarantine programs. As of February 2007, there are 163 apple clones in quarantine. Two accessions released in 2007. No introductions yet booked for 2008. She discussed application, deadline and testing procedures. Introductions should be requested immediately.
Angela Baldo discussed her projects as Computational Biologist
1. Computational identification of candidate genes in response to Fire Blight in
apple (including rootstock G41)
2. A Search for Apple Resistance Gene Analogs among Wild and Rootstock
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada- Kentville, Nova Scotia - Charlie Embree.
Embree discussed new introductions to their collections. Dr. Cheryl Hampson is actively crossing apples. Continue to maintain their apple species collection that includes Kazakhstan apple seedlings. They are being monitored for commercial acceptability and disease tolerance.
Rutgers University- Joe Goffreda
Goffreda- discussed his apple breeding program which is developing disease-tolerant dessert apples with crisp texture and excellent storage potential. Data obtained from forty-four elite apple clones from Kazakhstan will be made available to the GRIN database. They are starting to cut back trees that are getting too big. The Chinese material that was sent is proving to be very susceptible to fire blight.
University of Illinois- Schuyler Korban (not present)
Korban report includes the following projects:
OARDC/OSU (no written report) - Discussion led by Diane Miller
Diane discussed the work being done with the Kazakhstan apple varieties from PGRU. They have not been very successful in the mid-west. Of the 900 seedlings obtained from PGRU from the 1993 and 1995 collections, nearly all bloom very early. One has a very interesting trait showing a single spur and will be accessioned into the PGRU collection for further evaluation. They are evaluating 3,000 seedlings from Kyrgyzstan which they hope to have better success. She went over some the breeding activities they are working on with other agencies in the mid-west including Midwest Apple Foundation and Improvement Association. They are interested in propagating the entire core collection for evaluation in Ohio.
Michigan State University- Randy Beaudry (not present)
Phil Forsline discussed his report on the following:
Michigan State University- Steve van Nocker (not present) and Sonali Mookerjee
discussed their project on genetic analysis of flowering traits in apples, particularly the analysis of natural variation in abscission among apple species and cultivars
Friday October 13, 2007, 8:00 am pm
Continuing discussion from previous CGC Meeting – Review of “Developing an action plan for characterization and utilization of the PGRU Malus collection for the next five years”
Open discussion and development of action items:
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization- discussion of the topic had been covered
Diversity in Malus at PGRU- collection has become more diverse in the past 10-15 years
Mapping projects in M. sieversii- use of the Gala X M. sieversii (xeric site) population Make it available for genetic testing. The population of 200 seedlings has completed 4 years (own-rooted). As fruiting starts, begin phenotyping.
Finger printing PGRU 2500 clones- have 8-20 markers. Simon said there was no money for continuation of project at this time. McFerson asked if there is a plan for the future.
Cornell Apple Genomics Initiative- Susan Brown announced four new future positions for this program in architecture (to be announced and recruited very soon), nutrition, disease resistance and entomology. McFerson notes growers are looking at and are concerned with labor, genomics and breeding. Need for developing complimentary collaborations between research and industry.
Allele Mining- being done on Malus sieversii.
Underrepresented germplasm:
Genetic Vulnerability Statement- Aldwinckle went over the need to update the document at this time. General agreement that this should be done on a regular basis. Fazio volunteered to work on the update. It was agreed that this document provides valuable support when applying for funding and is used by program directors.
Opportunities for future breeding- page 11 of 2006 CGC minutes- Susan Brown offered to canvas the group for a list of priorities rather than a laundry list of items.
Miscellaneous- McFerson discussed the activities of the Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and breeding US Executive Committee ("RosEXEC"). Recommends the GDR website should be linked to PGRU and GRIN websites. Baldo will work on this. The website to be included in these minutes:
Membership and Future Meetings- committee went over the recommendations put forth on the membership list. Changes include the following:
Motion by G. Fazio, seconded by J. Goffreda to approve appointment of all those nominated, pending indication of their willingness too serve, was passed unanimously.
It was decided after some discussion to hold next year’s meeting on Oct. 31, 2008 at the Dawes Arboretum, in Newark, Ohio. It would be in conjunction with the Mid-West Apple Association annual meeting. We will invite members of that association to attend and perhaps discuss their programs. Should CGC piggyback with other meetings in the future?
Action Items and Timelines
McFerson would like to thank everyone for all the good and hard work being done in apple research especially the new scientists like Angela Baldo and Gayle Volk who are taking our research forward in new directions.
Meeting Adjourned- noon