Leafy Vegetables CGC Meeting - Minutes

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Hotel Riviera, Las Vegas NV

Attendees – Becky Grube, Beiquan Mou, Ryan Hayes, Jim McCreight, Barbara Hellier, Kathy Reitsma, Larry Robertson, Peter Bretting, Gary Vallad, Kevin Brink, Mary Ruth McDonald, and Russell Nagata.

Following introductions, the minutes of the 2004 meeting were approved.

Crop reports:

Celery – Larry Robertson provided a status report on the Apium germplasm collection. There are 206 accessions at Geneva (131 not backed up at NSSL), and 68 accessions at NSSL that are not backed up at Geneva. Once the Geneva collection has been regenerated for backup at NSSL, the NSSL accessions will be backed up at Geneva. There was a slight increase in distribution of samples in 2005, with 40 samples mailed (compared with 8 and 5 in 2004 and 2003, respectively). There is a need for more wild Apium species (only 1 Apium nodiflorum accession in the current collection). Beiquan Mou will request seeds of wild Apium collections and germplasm evaluation information from Carlos Quiros at UC-Davis. This data can be added to GRIN once it is obtained.

Endive & Chicory – Kathy Reitsma reported that there has been no change in the Cichorium collection. 544 samples were distributed thus far in 2005. Some of the accessions had low or no viability when the last regeneration was attempted. The original seed source for many of these was E. Ryder’s collection at Salinas. Beiquan Mou agreed to provide Kathy with additional aliquots from the original packets.

Spinach – Kathy Reitsma (for David Brenner) reported on collaborative regeneration efforts with USDA/ARS-Salinas and Sakata Seeds. 80 samples were distributed from Ames in 2004. Beiquan Mou reported that the USDA/ARS-Salinas collection contains 338 accessions from Ames as well as 441 accessions from Europe and 70 commercial cultivars. 61 samples were distributed from Salinas during the past year.

Lettuce – Barbara Hellier reported that no seed increases were performed in 2005. If the crop program technician position is filled quickly, increases will resume in 2006. The collection was increased by 165 cultivars, received from Salinas. 507 samples were distributed from Pullman in the past year. Beiquan Mou reported that the USDA/ARS-Salinas collection contains 1275 accessions, 2227 cultivars, and several thousands breeding lines and unnamed accessions. 354 samples were distributed from Salinas in the past year.


Other Reports:

National Germplasm Resources Lab and National Program Staff Reports were given by Peter Bretting. Major points included Allan Stoner’s retirement (effective 6/2005), updates to GRIN software, Scott Cameron’s departure as Horticulture National Program Leader, the effects of the Conventional on Biological Diversity (CBD) on international germplasm exchange. A 5-year assessment of the Genetic Resources National Program was recently completed, and the full report will be available in September.

Germplasm Evaluation Funding Reports:

Gary Vallad reported on the proposals funded in FY2004 and FY2005. Both projects involved screening of lettuce germplasm for resistance to wilt cause by Verticillium dahliae. Gary provided a written report of progress to date. Initial efforts to develop a screening procedure were successful, and germplasm evaluation is now ongoing.

Beiquan Mou reported on the FY2003 proposal, Screening for resistance to Stemphylium leaf spot disease of Spinach. The conclusion of this proposal had been delayed one year. Results were presented for 2 independent tests and 54 PI accessions and commercial cultivars.

Proposals are now being accepted for FY2006. Proposal should be submitted to the chair by October 15, 2005. The proposals are due in Beltsville on November 15, 2005.


Other Discussion:

Seed Distribution. It was reiterated that all distribution of seeds should be from the official collection sites ( Ames, Pullman, Geneva), rather than from working collections ( Salinas). This is important for quality control as well as to demonstrate the importance of the official collections. Any selections or improved lines to be distributed should be re-submitted (and assigned a new number) to the official collections.

Germplasm Evaluation. Based on the lack of (and need for) useful data in GRIN for all of our leafy vegetable crops, it was proposed that all evaluation proposals submitted by the LVCGC for funding should have a written plan for how germplasm will be evaluated, how and what type of data will be taken, and how and when data will be submitted to the appropriate curator. It was proposed that this plan should be used as the basis for funding prioritization by the CGC.

Publications. Curators attending reported that they often do not see publications in which data on accessions in their collections is published. It was determined that researchers reporting on PI accessions should send copies of their publications to the appropriate curator as soon as possible.

Election of New Chair. Beiquan Mou (USDA/ARS, Salinas) was nominated and unanimously elected the new chair of the LVCGC. Congratulations, Beiquan!!

Upcoming Meetings. It was decided that the next LVCGC meeting should be held at the next annual ASHS meeting in July, 2006 in New Orleans, LA. At the time I am preparing these minutes, the hurricane tragedy that has struck the New Orleans area has introduced some question about when and where the next ASHS meeting will be held. Stay tuned for more information.

Other meetings of interest to LVCGC members were mentioned:

Prepared by Becky Grube.